
USPTO: Patent fee changes to take effect on January 19, 2025


USPTO announced that patent fee changes will take effect on January 19, 2025.
According to the USPTO, this adjustment started in April 2023, when the USPTO announced plans to exercise their authority to set or adjust patent fees. After collecting public feedback, a public hearing was held in May 2023. Then, they published a notice of proposed rulemaking on setting and adjusting patent fees. After comprehensive considering the public feedback and relevant comments and recommendations, they decided not to move forward with three targeted proposals and revised an additional three targeted proposals.
The three fee changes we are not moving forward include:
 a new fee for After Final Consideration Pilot 2.0 requests;
 a targeted increase to the patent term adjustment fee; and
 terminal disclaimer tiered fees.

The three revised fee changes (and their revisions) include:
 upward adjustment of the timing thresholds for continuing applications;
 substantial reduction to the adjusted patent term extension fee; and
 elimination of the proposed new tier for third and subsequent requests for continued examination, and corresponding adjustments to the existing fee for second and subsequent requests.

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